Heating in townhouses

What is a townhouse

What is a townhouse

Townhouse in English translates as “house in the city.” This is a building that includes 3-5 houses, separately. Houses with plots, a separate entrance, the territory is closed from strangers. The townhouses have all engineering communications. Townhouse heating can be individual and centralized. The height of the houses is not higher than 3 floors. This is more of an apartment in a house than a cottage or country house.

Purpose of the heating system

Townhouse heating system is designed to heat buildings. During the construction of housing, the developer carried out a simple wiring, the owner of the housing, when buying, decides for himself whether to leave these communications or bring new ones.
A duty heating is also installed in the townhouse, during the finishing of the building and its construction.
What problems does the owner of a townhouse face:

  1. The main disadvantage is that the buyer does not participate in the choice of the system, but receives a ready-made one, which the developer preferred to carry out. This is either an oil/solid fuel boiler or a gas/electric boiler.
  2. The second minus follows from this – large bills for electricity and gas.
  3. If the communication systems are of poor quality or there is not enough power for the heating area, then problems in the cold season cannot be avoided. Freezing or heating water in a bucket – this is what will happen to residents if the developer is negligent in creating a heating system in a townhouse.

Types of heating systems in a Townhouse

The townhouse heating system is represented by the following options:

  • gas;
  • electrical;
  • sunny;
  • additional.

Townhouse gas heating

Types of heating systems in a Townhouse

It is a boiler room, consisting of several boilers. There are also individual ones, when the boiler house is located in the back room of the owner.

  • high gas bills in cold weather;
  • dependence on sources of gas and light (in case of interruptions in the supply of gas or breakdown of the boiler, there will be no heating and hot water);
  • needs regular checks and repairs;
  • the impossibility of self-installation.

Townhouse electrical heating

Represents boilers running on electricity or convectors. In the first case, in the boiler – a heating element heats the coolant (water) and with the help of a pump drives it through pipes and radiators. In the second, the convector radiates heat or distributes warm air.

  • high cost of electricity;
  • dependence on electricity – in the event of an accident, there will be no heating;
  • high load household networks – installation of additional equipment is required so that the wiring does not short-circuit.

Solar heating of a townhouse: inexpensive and efficient

It is a convector powered by solar energy. This method has long been used abroad and is recognized as highly economical by diligent foreigners (Germans, British, Canadians). In Russia, solar heating systems are also used, they are also used for townhouses. They do not require electricity and gas, are powerful, and heat rooms and houses.
The use of solar-powered heating without the need for a source of electrical energy allows complete autonomy. There are no bills for electricity and gas, the house is warm – even if there is no electricity in the entire area, and the neighbors have not paid for gas. The system works like this – the installation heats the air, and then, by forcing air masses, distributes heat throughout the house. Air circulation creates a comfortable room temperature.


  • profitability;
  • does not need fuel and electricity;
  • easy installation;
  • there are no mechanisms powered by electricity, and there is nothing to break – the heating of the townhouse is stable.

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