Pool ventilation
A swimming pool is an artificial body of water for swimming, either indoors or outdoors. In indoor pools, it is necessary to maintain a microclimate with a comfortable temperature for staying and acceptable humidity – this is the main task that ventilation in the pool performs. Lack of ventilation can adversely affect the health of pool users. If there is no influx of fresh air, but there is high humidity, we get a favorable environment for the growth of fungi and mold. This affects a person’s breathing: dizziness, headache, and suffocation appear. The pool ventilation system must be separate from the general ventilation of the building (home, sports complex).
Pool ventilation: norms

Consider the norms of proper ventilation in the pool according to SNIP:
- air humidity up to 65 percent;
- the temperature difference between water and air up to 2 percent. At the same time, the water temperature should not exceed 32 degrees, and the airspeed should not exceed 0.2 meters per second;
- exclusion of the dependence of the ventilation system in the pool on the ventilation systems in other rooms;
- minimum evaporation (reduction in the formation of condensate, which destroys building structures);
- eightfold air exchange;
- reduction of electricity consumption;
- selection of a ventilation system with high performance.
Types of ventilation
2 types of ventilation of the room with a swimming pool:
- Natural – air exchange occurs due to the difference in air temperature outside and inside the pool. Such ventilation does not require additional investments in equipment or payment of bills. At the same time, the ventilation efficiency is completely dependent on the weather: with a strong wind in winter and autumn, an unlimited amount of cold air can flow through the ventilation openings.
- Forced – during operation, you can adjust the volume of the incoming air, speed, and even its temperature. However, forced ventilation equipment is expensive and requires regular maintenance. It works only from the mains and fails when the voltage drops.
Solar Pool Ventilation Systems
Solar energy is used to ventilate the pool along with electricity. Solar ventilation systems are common in Europe, USA.
In Russia, devices for pool ventilation using solar energy are also manufactured. Installation of equipment takes no more than an hour. The equipment works autonomously, only on solar energy. Maintenance – change the filter every ten years. Wherein:
- reduces energy costs;
- autonomously and safely;
- does not require permission to install;
- only ventilates the pool area.
Pool ventilation with solar energy is an affordable turnkey solution.
Buy a solar collector for the pool