Heating in an industrial building

An industrial (production) premise is a closed space in which labor activity is carried out in shifts and technological processes are carried out. Strict hygienic requirements for industrial premises have been developed, which determine the lighting, ventilation, and heating of industrial premises.

Heating in an industrial building

Heating of industrial premises is necessary for:

  • creation of optimal conditions for conducting labor activity;
  • compliance with technological processes;
  • ensuring the normal operation of the equipment.

In this regard, choosing a heating system for industrial premises becomes a priority even at the stage of designing a future enterprise.

Regulatory requirements for heating systems

The norms for heating industrial premises are specified in SNiP 2.04.05-91 and are calculated depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, the number of permanent and temporary jobs. In the cold season, the temperature of the workplace should not be below 18º C, and the temperature should be uniform throughout the room. It is not allowed to create cold zones in which the temperature drops below 18º C. Heating systems for industrial and industrial premises must ensure uniform heating of the air.
In specific industries, the requirements for ambient temperature are determined by technological processes and should not contradict the safety standards for workers.
Existing heating systems are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • work efficiency: uniform heating of the room, the ability to control the temperature;
  • the purchase cost of equipment, the cost of its installation and commissioning;
  • energy efficiency – the ability to optimize heating costs;
  • ease of maintenance and durability.

Modern heating systems for industrial premises

Steam heating

The main advantage of steam heating is the ability to quickly heat rooms of any area and maintain high temperatures (up to 100ºS). But steam heating also has its drawbacks: it creates a lot of noise and requires high fuel costs. Therefore, steam heating is rarely used, mainly for rooms for technical purposes only, in which there are no jobs.

Water heating

If the production room is connected to a central boiler room or has its own boiler room, water heating is often used. Despite the popularity of this solution, it has many disadvantages. The heating efficiency directly depends on the capacity of the boiler (and the amount of processed fuel), the number of radiators, and the area of ​​​​the room. It is pretty difficult to ensure uniform heating of the air. And maintaining a high temperature in the cold season requires serious energy costs.

air heating

One of the most efficient ways to heat industrial buildings. Due to the forced circulation of heated air, the room is heated quickly and evenly, it is easy to achieve a stable high temperature. A healthy microclimate is established due to the additional regulation of humidity. Heating rates for industrial premises are maintained with minimal resources.

Solar energy for heating industrial buildings and premises

Heating in an industrial building

Air heating is created using various equipment. A modern and effective solution is the use of solar-powered devices. They are autonomous, their use allows you to reduce heating costs and achieve the establishment of the recommended temperature in the room during the cold season.
Heating industrial premises using solar energy is:

  • the possibility of creating an efficient heating system in remote industrial workshops, where there are difficulties with the regular supply of fuel;
  • independence from power grids and general electrification of the facility;
  • improving the environmental profile of the company;
  • optimization of heating costs by minimizing fuel use;
  • maintaining optimal working conditions in the premises.

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