Heating in animal shelters

Animal shelters have become an integral part of life in a modern metropolis. They allow you to remove the vagabal animal from the street, thereby providing it with proper care, and at the same time secure the residents of the city from possible aggression and infections from street cats and dogs.

Species and forms of animal shelters

There are two organizational forms of animal shelters:

Species and forms of animal shelters
  1. State and municipal institutions: are funded at the expense of regional (less often federal) funds. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an animal in such a shelter may be a maximum of 182 days.
  2. Private: they are financed by non-state funds, corporations, or private individuals, they can be issued as a private enterprise or on behalf of a legal entity when registering must be owned or at the disposal of the land plot.

There are also illegal ones: when an apartment or residential building contains a large number of animals selected from the street. The activities of such “organizations” are illegal, but it is dangerous from a medical point of view, since the standards and requirements of feeding, veterinary supervision, as well as proper sanitary and hygienic conditions of animal detention, are legally prescribed for official organizations.

General ventilation requirements in animal shelters

One of these requirements is the mandatory presence of natural or mechanical ventilation in all rooms of the shelter. Of course, the ventilation device should be considered separately for each case. Sometimes a sufficiently common system for ventilation of the premises, but in some cases, air exchange is brought separately to each aviary. For almost all shelters, the best solution is the supply and exhaust ventilation, which allows you to escalate clean air and remove the worked out.
It is also indicated in the regulatory legal documents that the proper conditions for the detention of animals imply the presence of heating, however, in fact, this item is either not respected or passes with large violations.

Heating options in the shelter

Practice shows that heating in animal shelters is or absent at all or is presented in one of the following options:

  1. Centralized (batteries): characteristic mainly for state institutions, since they have a larger area than private shelters. Heat is supplied from the power plant, and in winter, due to large areas, it is often not enough.
  2. Wood stoves: common in converted private houses. This heating option is not only not economical (not all private traders can afford to purchase the number of firewood for the whole winter), but also extremely fire hazardous.
  3. Steam heating is currently prohibited by building codes and rules.
  4. Portable electrical appliances: heaters, lamps, and so on. They are used in winter in houses where heating is absent. As a result, the owners receive not only huge electricity bills (even with economic use), but also a threat to life, since these devices are extremely fire hazards.
Heating options in the shelter

Unfortunately, at present, there is no clearly developed legislative framework on how to make heating in an animal shelter, and everyone is striving to solve this issue independently, most often – by buying the same portable electrical appliances.

However, alternative options for solving the problem are currently appearing, and one of the most effective and economical options for heating animal shelters is the use of devices operating from renewable energy sources, for example, from the energy of the sun.

How to make heating in an animal shelter inexpensive and effective

What is a helium -collector? This is a flat, easy-to-maintain device that is installed on the roof of the building (or on the wall) and absorbs sunlight, turning it into energy for heating.
With relatively small investments, the solar collector has a number of competitive advantages:

  • Lack of electricity account. Electricity fee is a greater article of expenses, especially in private animal shelters, and the helio-collector allows you to save well.
  • Easy in operation. The simplicity of the design allows you to install a solar battery yourself, and the absence of extra details means ease of using the device and minimizes the risk of breakdowns and failures.
  • The solar collector does not produce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, it is absolutely safe for people and animals and is a device, in a friendly environment.
  • Modern design attracts attention, and in this case, it is an important advantage, because it is important for sponsors to know that money is not wasted, and for potential owners of animals, the presence of such a technical novelty is an extra reason to look into the shelter, even out of curiosity.
  • The ability to effectively heat even those rooms to which electricity and gas are not summed up for one reason or another.

Watch the catalog of heating devices

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