History of the invention of a solar manifold


  1. Who invented the solar collector?
  2. Work on the basis of the financial fund M.I.T

The history of the invention of the solar manifold begins in 1880, when the American ethnographer Edward Mors showed the “thermal box”, assigned to the southern wall of the house interested in the public.The air outside entered the product through the holes specially made in it, heated and moved further naturally.The development aroused great interest in the scientific circles of America and received a lot of approving responses.

Who invented the solar collector?

The authorship of the invention of the solar collector belongs to Frank Walker, the builder and city official who worked on the coast of the Pacific Ocean of the United States and British Colombia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.He patented a device that was widely used in the south of California for heating buildings for various purposes.

Work on the basis of the financial fund M.I.T

The financial fund of M.I.T was founded by a wealthy Bostonian named Godfrey Lowel to study the possibilities of using the energy of the Sun for heating buildings.Since the solar collector was invented, a lot of studies have been conducted on the basis of this organization.

Experiments on the use of this device for heating water tanks contributed to the introduction of structures that gave up to 48% of the heat necessary for the bedrooms of New England in the winter season.Effective architectural solutions, coupled with solar collectors, made it possible to minimize the cost of consumption of energy required for the functioning of electrical heating systems of the third experimental building M.I.T from 1949 to 1952.

The history of the invention of the solar manifold continues to import all the latest technological developments, and this process cannot be considered complete.The effectiveness of modern devices already allows you to equip a full -fledged heating and ventilation system of industrial and residential premises.

History of the invention of a solar manifold

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