Humidity in a warehouse: where it comes from and how to eliminate it

Humidity in the warehouse must comply with the standards specified in SNiP 31-04-2001. Depending on the type of stored products and the area of ​​the warehouse, different values ​​of moisture content are provided. For example, air humidity in a warehouse for alcoholic beverages should not exceed 85% (the standards are taken from SNiP 31-04-2001).
The parameter itself ranges from 45% to 65% on average.

Why is controlling the importance in the warehouse a priority?

If the normal values ​​are exceeded, an excess of moisture is formed, which leads to accelerated spoilage of products in the warehouse, the active growth of mold colonies, and health problems among employees.
Low humidity also leads to negative consequences. For example, in a paper warehouse, due to low humidity, the paper loses its elasticity, the glue becomes brittle, and the product becomes unusable.
In order for the warehouse to fulfill its main task – to ensure the safety of material assets – care should be taken to protect it from dampness.

How to return from high humidity in a warehouse to normal

How to return from high humidity in a warehouse to normal

Let’s consider several ways:

  • natural ventilation;
  • electric fans;
  • industrial dehumidifiers;
  • autonomous systems of local drainage and ventilation.

Natural ventilation is based on the action of gravitational forces. For natural ventilation, it is enough to open and close doors and gates. At the same time, there can be no talk of any ventilation of large rooms. Systems distribute air unevenly. Their work cannot be automated.

Electric fans are used as forced ventilation equipment to control humidity in the warehouse. The number of fans depends on the area of ​​the warehouse. It should be noted that a negative point due to connection to the power grid, in addition to paying for electricity, is the threat of voltage drops, fire and system breakdown.

The principle of operation of industrial dehumidifiers is based on the adsorption of steam contained in the atmosphere in large quantities. Such equipment will effectively cope with the task if, for example, a warehouse is flooded, and it is necessary to urgently eliminate the consequences. The market offers models of various capacities. The downside is still the same dependence on the power supply. In addition, for a small warehouse, this solution is too expensive.

A cost-effective solution to the problem of humidity in a warehouse ranging from 25 to 150 m2

How do they get rid of dampness in warehouses in Europe and the USA? People in these countries are accustomed to smart spending, they quickly adopt new technologies and implement them in life. Russia is not far behind: therefore, warehouse owners install autonomous ventilation and dehumidification systems that run on solar energy. The device is called an air solar collector.
The devices have been presented on the foreign and Russian markets since the middle of the 20th century. They are distinguished:

  • autonomy of work – collector models are equipped with thermostats and hygrometers, humidity sensors that help turn the device on and off in time;
  • accessibility – electric fans and dehumidifiers work only where there are power lines, solar collectors – where the sun shines. They don’t need an outlet;
  • safety – the device of the collector is simple, it is not at risk of fire or short circuit;
  • environmental friendliness – the device does not emit harmful substances and additionally filters the air in the room.

Normal humidity in the warehouse is the task of the ventilation system. To make it economical and efficient is to use equipment that is easy to install and does not require payment.

Solving the problem of excess moisture in the warehouse

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