Indoor microclimate: norms for housing, measurement, creation of the right conditions
Microclimate is a complex of physical conditions of the internal environment of a building that affects the exchange of heat in the body and the state of human health. Simply put, the microclimate of residential premises is the environment where a person stays in his own home.
Microclimatic characteristics in the room:
- humidity;
- temperature;
- air speed;
- the temperature of equipment surfaces, enclosing structures, as well as furniture objects.
Microclimate norms and its measurement
The main requirements for the microclimate in living rooms are set by approved regulatory documents: GOSTs, SanPiNs.

GOST 30494 determines the optimal indicators of the microclimate in residential premises, public, domestic and administrative buildings. The standard defines the general conditions for possible and suitable indicators of the microclimate and ways to control it.
SanPiN and define the sanitary requirements that must be followed during the construction, design, restructuring, in addition, the maintenance of residential buildings and rooms that are intended for continuous residence. These sanitary standards do not affect tourist facilities, for example, hotel complexes, hostels, other places of residence (nursing homes, orphanages, etc.)
The parameters of heating, ventilation and air conditioning are also set by SNiP 41-01.
Permissible microclimate standards in residential premises: for the warm period of the year, the temperature of a suitable microclimate in the premises is 23-25 degrees Celsius, and in the cold – 20-22 degrees; air humidity in the warm period – 60-30%, in the cold – 45-30%; in the warm period of the year, the air velocity should not exceed 0.25 m/s, in the cold season – no more than 0.1 – 0.15 m/s.
Microclimate measurement is carried out using:
- hygrometers;
- thermometers;
- thermographs;
- psychrometers and other instruments.
Economical options for maintaining a normal microclimate
Throughout Europe, Canada and the United States, a comfortable microclimate in the house is maintained with the help of solar energy. Usually solar collectors are used – they ventilate and dry the room by forcing pre-filtered air from the street into the room.
Solar energy is available in any part of Russia, and its use is free. This is an obvious savings. In addition, the devices are safe, easy to install and can maintain the right microclimate in the house autonomously, regardless of the season.
Improve the microclimate in the house