Mold in the garage

Mold in the garage is a microscopic fungus that accumulates in spots in the form of plaque on a damp or rotting surface. Usually occurs due to the formation of excess moisture. Poor air exchange, poor-quality waterproofing are also the causes of mold on the walls, ceiling, floor or in the garage pit.

Consequences: what will happen if you do not remove the mold in the garage

Mold in the garage

It is important to remove mold from the garage, not only because this problem negatively affects the aesthetics and microclimate of the room. Dampness and excessive moisture are the reasons for reducing the life of the garage as a whole. Getting rid of dangerous fungus should also be done to protect the car and tools from corrosion.
Black mold in the garage can cause disease in humans and animals. White mold is dangerous because it quickly spreads throughout the room. The main negative consequences of mold formation:

  • harmful atmosphere, provoking an increased concentration of toxic substances in the air (from fuel and oil residues);
  • corrosion of the car, tools, inventory and metal parts of the garage;
  • building destruction;
  • danger to human health.

Prevention and disposal of mold where the car is parked and tools are stored

Based on the recommendations, proper ventilation of the structure should provide air inflow in a volume of more than 180 cubic meters per hour.
To organize ventilation that prevents a problem from occurring or helps to remove mold in the garage, there are several ways:

  • natural ventilation (no additional equipment is required, but high efficiency and compliance with SNiP are not guaranteed);
  • forced mechanical ventilation (effective, but requires the cost of electricity and professional installation);
  • combined ventilation (combining the two above methods, installation and operation costs remain);
  • solar ventilation (installation of air solar collectors powered by solar energy; operating costs are zero).

How to solve the problem of mold in the garage once and for all?

It is possible to remove mold in the garage and prevent its reappearance. In Europe, the USA, and now in Russia, solar collectors are used for this. The reasons for its popularity are simple:

  • works free of charge on solar energy;
  • works even where there are no power lines and other communications;
  • effective at any time of the year.

It is an easy-to-use equipment: mounted on the roof or wall of the garage (permit not required), turns on when the sun hits it. The air that enters the appliance through the ducts is heated and then supplied to the room, draining the garage and protecting it from the development of mold colonies.

The solar collector does not need power supply and is absolutely safe: it will not cause a short circuit in the wiring, does not emit harmful substances during operation. The installation of such a device is within the power of an adult, so there is no need to call the installation team.

Mold will not appear in the garage if it is protected by a solar collector.

Get rid of mold in the garage

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