Ventilation in a private house

Ventilation in a private house creates and maintains a healthy microclimate. Thanks to it, comfortable humidity and a stable temperature are established in the rooms, regardless of the season outside the window. The ventilation system in a private house provides an influx of fresh air and the removal of exhaust air masses. With its help, the issue of high humidity in utility rooms – in the kitchen and in the bathrooms – is solved. By regulating the temperature and humidity conditions, it prevents condensation from forming, mold does not grow in the house, walls and floors do not become damp, do not lose their strength and durability.
But it all depends on the quality of the ventilation in the house.

Norms of proper ventilation in a private house

Proper ventilation of a private house is discussed in SNiP 2.04.05 – 86 and partially in SNiP 2.04.05-91. The requirements for good ventilation are:

  • separate working channels for living rooms and utility rooms, bathrooms, swimming pool;
  • ensuring uniform air circulation in all rooms and premises;
  • an influx of fresh air at the rate of 30 cubic meters for each adult in the room.

For this, ventilation systems of various types are used in private homes. Natural and forced ventilation are widespread.

Natural and forced ventilation in a private house

Natural ventilation in a residential building works by creating a draft of air masses due to temperature and pressure differences inside and outside the premises. Fresh air enters the house through ventilation shafts, natural gaps, and exhaust air is removed through them. Natural ventilation is designed at the construction stage of the cottage, and the parameters of its operation depend on:

  • section and angle of inclination of ventilation shafts;
  • location of ventilation openings in rooms;
  • the number and power of radiators or other heating equipment;
  • season, ambient temperature, wind direction and speed.

Natural ventilation in a private house is unstable and unpredictable, it does not always cope with the removal of excess moisture. Therefore, it is supplemented with forced air circulation equipment.
In private houses, forced ventilation is created using fans, split systems. They blow air into rooms and regulate its humidity and temperature. A complete replacement of air masses in the premises is achieved, a healthy microclimate is established, mustiness and unpleasant odors are eliminated. But they create a high load on the power grid, consume a lot of energy – bills from energy sales companies are growing. And in the event of an emergency power outage, the house is left without working ventilation. Solar-powered ventilation equipment can partially eliminate these shortcomings.

Use of solar energy

Ventilation in a private house

To create proper ventilation in a private house, it is increasingly used solar powered equipment. Ventilation devices are reliable, durable, easy to install. They are completely autonomous, allow you to create forced ventilation that does not depend on the mains. This is convenient for remote settlements, houses being built in non-electrified villages. Solar energy equipment is used in private homes not only in the southern, but also in the northern regions of our country, and the high popularity of the solution is due to the availability of devices, the absence of the need to develop complex projects.
Ventilation in a private house based on solar energy creates an autonomous and environmentally friendly system that does not require constant financial injections. It provides a constant exchange of air in residential and utility rooms, eliminates excessive humidity, and creates a healthy microclimate.

Buy a solar collector for a private house

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