Ventilation in the guest house

A guest house is a small (usually family-owned) hotel-type enterprise, where living conditions are close to home. If we talk about the tourism sector, then we can consider the guest house as a mini-hotel (up to ten rooms). Requirements for guest houses according to the law are softer than for hotels. However, the guest house must comply with sanitary standards. For example, each room must be provided with at least one window and a ventilation system. Ventilation in the guest house plays an important role: it makes the stay of the guests comfortable.

Ventilation in the guest house

No less important is the issue of arranging a favorable microclimate in a guest house, if the building is used not for profit, but for personal purposes (as a country house). Since the guest house is a living space, the ventilation in the guest house must be properly organized in order to avoid:

  • the appearance of mold and condensation on the walls due to high humidity (this leads to property damage, especially for the bathroom);
  • lack of oxygen due to insufficient supply of fresh air;
  • temperature uncomfortable for well-being (acceptable room temperature 20–25 ° C);
  • excessive dust and exposure to harmful substances released in small doses during the operation of furniture, household appliances.

Types of ventilation of a guest house

The ventilation of the guest house can be natural (provided by gravity forces) or artificial (mechanical devices, fans, etc. are used).

The artificial ventilation system is divided into:

  • supply (provides an influx of fresh air);
  • exhaust (provides the removal of exhaust air);
  • recirculation (supply of fresh air and removal of exhaust).

The movement of air occurs through a network of air ducts or independently: air penetrates through open or loosely closed doors and windows, natural gaps.

What should be taken into account when organizing ventilation in a guest house?

Types of ventilation of a guest house

The appearance of mold, condensation, greasy soot (in the kitchen), stuffiness, dry air, dust – all this can put an end to the reputation of the establishment. Relying on natural ventilation alone is risky.

When creating artificial ventilation, remember that ventilation should be in every room. At the same time, equipping each room with a fan, supply and exhaust pipe means energy costs, the risk of network overload, voltage drops and short circuits.
You can reduce the cost of ventilation in the guest house if you use alternative energy sources (solar, wind). They are public and secure. In Germany, Italy, France, owners of mini-hotels and guest houses use solar energy for ventilation, now this opportunity is available to you.

Buy a solar collector for a guest house

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