Winter garden heating

Winter garden heating

A winter garden is a room for placing exotic, indoor, non-hardy plants. Its purpose is to provide the flora with the correct level of illumination, temperature, and air humidity at any time of the year. The heating of the winter garden takes into account the needs of the plants grown.

According to the type of heating, winter gardens are divided into:

  • periodically heated.

Heating maintains a stable indoor temperature during the winter season. The equipment turns on periodically when the thermometer falls below the set limit.

  • Heated regularly.

The winter garden heating system operates throughout the autumn-winter period. A stable high temperature is established in the room, suitable for growing exotic flowers.

What kind of heating should be in the winter garden?

The temperature and humidity standards of the air in the winter garden depend on the type of plants grown, their needs, and their life cycle. When designing a heating system in a winter garden, the ability to control humidity and temperature is taken into account. The following systems apply:

  • Electric heating.

It is implemented by heaters, “warm floors” and split systems. The advantage of the solution is its mobility: the equipment can be installed anywhere. But biologists do not recommend electric heating, especially for large conservatories. Electric heaters and air conditioners dry out the air, humidity levels are disturbed, and plants wither. The air in the room warms up unevenly. Zones of high and low temperatures are formed. Heating in the winter garden directly depends on the stability of the power grid, and if the power goes out, the plants will die.

What kind of heating should be in the winter garden?
  • Water heating.

The winter garden is connected to the general heating system of the house, and a positive temperature is set in the room. But the possibility of its regulation disappears: in the winter garden there will be as many degrees as in other rooms. If flowers need special conditions, this option is not suitable.

  • Air heating.

Equipment for forced circulation of heated air is installed. The winter garden warms up quickly, the owner regulates the temperature and humidity in the room. It is easy to create comfortable conditions for plants. The air heating system of the winter garden is independent of the heating systems in other rooms.

Use of solar energy for heating winter gardens

Choosing what kind of heating should be in the winter garden, its owner is based not only on the need to create conditions comfortable for the flora but also on his economic opportunities. Solar energy reduces the cost of space heating. With its help, eco-friendly and autonomous heating systems are created. Among their advantages:

  • independence from fuel supplies and power grids;
  • reduced heating costs – solar energy is free;
  • ease of installation – solar-powered equipment is easy to install;
  • the possibility of creating an efficient heating system without being tied to electrification, centralized heating, and other utilities.

The heating of the winter garden, powered by solar energy, is suitable for maintaining the temperature and humidity indicators of the air, and their rapid change if necessary. Plants are protected from death in the event of interruptions in the supply of fuel or electricity.

Buy a solar collector for the winter garden

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