Angar is a room with a large area. Its peculiarity is that this is an open space opened on the one hand to ensure the passage of overall equipment. The heater for the hangar should support the optimal level – from +5°C to 17°C. This is a comfortable temperature for the work of maintenance personnel and the operation of equipment.

Problems with insufficient heating

With a lack of heating in the hangar, the following problems arise:

  • The operational characteristics of the equipment are violated;
  • The work of personnel is difficult;
  • Condensation occurs, the internal sheathing of the structure begins to collapse.

Angara heater: views

Hangar heater

For heating, use:

  • heating registers located throughout the area of the structure – they belong to an inexpensive method, but require constant maintenance and control of work;
  • Thermal cores (air heaters for the hangar) – need electricity and service;
  • Water panels. Their use will require financial costs for communications;
  • Panels operating from gas, as well as electric panels cannot be used in structures with a great risk of fire and dangers of an explosion. Installation of fire devices will be required.

For hangars with a high risk of fire and explosion, it is advisable to use solar collectors – autonomous heaters for the hangar.

Advantages of a solar manifold:

  • Autonomy of work – electricity is not needed;
  • There is no need for a regular service (enough annual planned inspection);
  • low degree of fire hazard;
  • Environmental friendliness – there are no combustion products and isolation of toxic substances;
  • Simplicity of installation.

Collector as an autonomous Angara heater

A solar collector is an effective heater for the hangar. The principle of its operation is simple – when sunlight hits, the fans begin to work and the air heats up. This equipment is used all over the world – it is used for inexpensive heating of structures.

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