Montenegro has obtained its first solar power plant on solid ground

The company Green Grow Energy (GGEN) has completed the installation of the first Montenegrin solar power plant on solid ground. It is located in Čevo near Cetinje and has 8,120 panels with an individual power of 545 watts.

Montenegro has obtained its first solar power plant on solid ground

As previously announced, the company, whose owners are citizens of Montenegro and Turkey, plans to produce 6,201 GWh of electricity annually, as reported by Investitor.

“We will sell the produced energy at the most favorable prices in the markets of neighboring countries through our sister company, which is the first holder of an electricity trading license in Montenegro,” the company’s official website states.

GGEN is a private company established in 2021 through the collaboration of domestic and foreign engineers with decades of experience in the energy sector and excellent knowledge of the Southeast European market.

“It is the first Montenegrin company that has successfully gone through the complex process of obtaining a construction permit for a solar power plant on solid ground (Čevo solar) and the first company that offers not only the construction of solar power plants but also the possibility of selling electricity in domestic and foreign markets,” the company’s website says.

Photo by: Los Muertos Crew

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