Air solar collector for the cellar

Air solar collector for ventilation of the cellar

Insufficient ventilation of the cellar leads to the accumulation of toxic gases (methane, hydrogen sulfide), damping the walls and the appearance of mold, reducing the shelf life of products. Therefore, the issue of choosing an effective ventilation method is important for owners of private houses. One option is the use of a solar manifold in the cellar.

Solar energy in the service of housing and communal services

The cost of the production of solar panels has led to an abrupt increase in the use of solar energy. In 2013, China (18.3GW) and Germany (36.3GW) became leaders in the production of the “energy of the Sun”, and this figure only grows annually. Russia also gradually increases the pace of production of solar energy. Most often, it is used to ensure the needs of housing and communal services – creating hot water supply and ventilation systems. The main advantages of using solar energy for ventilation of the cellar:

  • complete autonomy of installations;
  • the possibility of use in any regions;
  • minimum costs for launching equipment;
  • Environmental friendliness.

The principle of operation of the air solar manifold

Air solar collector for the cellar

The air solar collector for the cellar operates on solar energy. Rays heat the air entering the collector. Air masses are supplied to the room and begin to actively circulate due to the resulting difference in temperature and pressure. Constant movement leads to a decrease in humidity and drainage of the cellar. The ventilation device eliminates dampness, removes the musty air, creates a healthy microclimate that prevents the development of mold. In the room, the optimal mode of temperature and humidity is set. The spent air is removed through natural gaps or the provided ventilation hole.
The air solar collector for the cellar does not require connection to the mains and automatically turns on every time the sun rays fall on it.

Advantages of using air solar collector for the cellar

The installation of a solar manifold allows you to create an effective ventilation system in cellars and basements. Important advantages in the eyes of users are the availability of solar energy to ventilate the cellar, and the lack of the need for additional costs for maintenance of the installation. The owner of the house is invested only once – at the time of purchase and installation. In the future, the device does not require any expenses, which shows the economic feasibility of choosing an air collector as a system of ventilation and drainage of the cellar.

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