Humidity in the Hangar: the problem and its solution

Both heated and “cold” warehouses of any area and design face the problem of condensate formation. Humidity in the hangar appears due to the different heat capacity of the materials of the walls and roof. At night, they cool down, and with the daily rise in temperature, they warm up unevenly: as a result, water vapor condenses from the air, settling in the form of droplets on the ceiling and walls.
The situation is aggravated in tent warehouses: if the vapor permeability of the inner insulation layer is low, then the air humidity inside the hangar increases. This affects the comfort for workers, but most importantly, it creates unacceptable conditions for the storage of goods and goods and accelerates the corrosion of load-bearing structures.
Dampness in the hangar leads to:

  1. Freezing of trusses, heat-insulating materials and roofs: they lose their operational characteristics, collapse faster, the warehouse requires frequent repairs.
  2. Failure of electrical wiring and the creation of fire hazard situations.
  3. Damage to stored inventory items.

Solutions to the problem

Humidity in the hangar: the problem and its solution

Due to the high heat capacity of the metal, steel supports and trusses are most prone to the formation of condensate: water accumulates on them in the first place. Another “weak spot” is the roof. Thermal insulation of the roof only partially saves from moisture in the hangar: condensate still forms but in smaller volumes. And now it accumulates in the insulating layer, which quickly fails.
To eliminate dampness in tent storages, it is recommended to organize multilayer thermal protection, taking into account the vapor permeability of the layers: it should decrease from the outer layer to the inner one. It is best to take these features into account at the design stage of the hangar: otherwise, its re-equipment can cost the owner dearly.
Often one of the options for solving the problem of increased dampness in the hangar room is heating. In fact, this will only exacerbate the problem if good thermal insulation is not created: the temperature difference between inside and outside the hangar will increase, and there will be even more condensation.
An effective way to solve the problem is to reduce air humidity. The optimal value of this indicator: no more than 45-50% (the exception is hangars where textiles and food products are stored: in this case, humidity of about 60% is allowed).

A step-by-step guide to eliminate dampness in the hangar

A step-by-step guide to eliminate dampness in the hangar
  1. Replace natural ventilation with mechanical ventilation: unorganized air flow does not allow you to control humidity indicators.
  2. Control the temperature of the air masses entering the warehouse: when they are heated, the natural humidity automatically decreases and reaches the desired values.
  3. Install dehumidifiers near problem areas: trusses and supports, which form the most condensate. It is especially important for hangars of a large area, where it is difficult to maintain constant air circulation only due to ventilation equipment.

This scheme will eliminate dampness in the hangar and the risks and costs associated with it. However, another question arises before the warehouse owner: how much will it cost to install new ventilation and dehumidifiers and their operation?
To save money, you should pay attention to solar-powered appliances. They do not require a connection to the mains, do not consume electricity – that is, they work for free. At the same time, they effectively replace the usual equipment: electric fan heaters and guns – the first to understand this in Europe. And now equipment that works for free is also available in Russia.


To eliminate dampness in the hangar, it is enough to organize good ventilation. This will avoid additional expenses for unnecessary insulation or heating.
Constantly maintained air circulation will reduce its natural humidity and prevent condensation from forming, regardless of weather conditions. And to save on the operation of ventilation equipment, electrical units can be replaced with air solar collectors. And the humidity in the hangar will no longer remind of itself.

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