Application of solar energy in agriculture

Agriculture is a field of activity with a long-term payback, a high level of risks and difficult working conditions. To the large number of tasks facing the organizer of the farm or the owner of the household plot, one more is often added, related to the difficulties of supplying electricity in rural areas. Sudden and prolonged outages outside cities are usually associated with insufficient power in the network, power line breaks due to weather events. At the same time, the energy costs of any economy are extremely high.

World experience in the use of solar energy in agriculture

World experience in the use of solar energy in agriculture

In the modern practice of growing crops, the technology of dual land use is gaining popularity – solar power plants are located directly above farmers’ fields in Japan, Italy, France and Germany. Before installing the installations, researchers carefully calculate the features of the fall of the shadow and the risks of its negative impact on the growth and development of plants, the size of the crop.

Supports for solar panels are made without the use of concrete, which allows you to quickly dismantle structures if necessary. Technologies for the use of solar energy in agriculture in hot southern countries (Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, Egypt) are especially interesting since slight shading in combination with the modernization of hydraulic engineering should have a positive effect on the volume of grown products.

In Russia, there are also examples of the introduction of innovative technologies for obtaining solar energy for agriculture and cheap electricity in private households. The experience of 1C-Bitrix CEO Sergey Ryzhikov in Kaliningrad, who successfully converted his house to solar energy, is indicative. It also uses the capabilities of a two-way meter, dumping excess generation into the city network.

Application of solar energy in agriculture

Application of solar energy in agriculture

Technologies for the use of solar energy for the agro-industrial complex solve a wide range of tasks in the field of agricultural activity. Can be implemented in any of its branches. The presence of free territories and a significant area of ​​roofs and walls of houses and outbuildings makes it possible to receive and accumulate large amounts of free electricity.

Installation of photovoltaic systems is carried out for the production of electricity, which can be used to operate pumps, electric shepherds in pastures, honey extractors in the apiary, electric knives and other equipment, as well as to provide electricity to residential buildings.

Air collectors are used for heating and ventilation of premises, creating a comfortable living environment for people, farm animals and maintaining temperature and humidity at a given level.

Greenhouses and greenhouses equipped with solar panels not only retain heat and accumulate it, retaining it inside, but also provide the necessary microclimate for plants.
The use of devices for heating and ventilation in grain and vegetable stores, in warehouses, makes it possible to do without the continuous participation of service personnel in maintaining the specified environmental parameters and preserving crops, buildings and equipment in the best possible way.

Reducing costs with solar panels

Reducing costs with solar panels

Solar collectors and S-WALL systems manufactured by Solar Fox for personal households and industrial enterprises are designed to solve the problems of heating and ventilation at facilities of any capacity. Installation of installations is carried out quickly and does not require permits from state supervisory authorities; they can be easily integrated into existing engineering systems and equipped with sensors if necessary.

All work on the production and assembly of solar panels is carried out by employees of the development company without the involvement of contractors unfamiliar with the specifics of the equipment. Air collectors are equipped with a modern security system that prevents short circuits or fires.

Solar ventilation and heating systems reduce costs, paying off in a period of 12 months to three years.

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