How to eliminate increased humidity in the attics of apartment buildings

Basements and attics: differences in ventilation

In the air exchange system of an apartment building, the most significant role is played by a basement and an attic. It is in these rooms that the main elements of the natural ventilation of the building are laid, thanks to which the standards of microclimate indicators are observed in the apartments.

Both the basement and the attic are technical rooms, but there are a number of significant differences.

  • Unlike the basement, humidity in the attic of an apartment building is formed not only due to weather conditions but also depends on the work of the entire ventilation system.
  • There are usually no pipes and communications in the attics (with the exception of elevator equipment), and this somewhat facilitates the task of providing fresh air, but recently cases of redemption of attics and organizations for warehouses and technical premises such as serveries have become more frequent, and this significantly affects the functioning of ventilation.

What should be the humidity in the attic of an apartment building? According to SNiP 23-02-2003, the air temperature in the attic should be at least +12 *s.

Causes of increased moisture content of attic premises

Causes of increased moisture content of attic premises

Like the basement, the attic is susceptible to protrusion and the formation of dampness and condensation. There may be several reasons:

  1. The flowing roof is the most common problem, due to which not only the owners of apartments on the upper floors suffer, but also the residents of the whole house since in this case, the humidity (and with it also harmful microorganisms) spreads from top to bottom.
  2. Ventilation of individual apartments carried out with violations of technical requirements: wet air from bathrooms and kitchens cannot be removed into the attic. In this case, it is necessary to first correct the shortcomings of private ventilation, and only then proceed to dry the attic.
  3. Weather.
  4. In rare cases, the cause of humidity in the attic of a high-rise building may be a violation of the tightness of the joints of the building – it is necessary to periodically carry out measures for the cleaning and insulation of inter panel sutures.
  5. Windows and doors (including doors to the stairs) are also a possible source of damp problems, especially if wooden frames were replaced with plastic.

The consequences of improper ventilation of the attic

The consequences of high humidity in the attic are influenced not only by the technical condition of the building but also by the health of residents. So, the most common problems are:

  • The formation of condensate – drops of water, which not only cause discomfort to the tenants of the upper floors, but also cause the destruction of the building of the building – moisture negatively affects iron and wooden elements, launching destructive irreversible processes even in the highest quality materials, and also affect the state of machines and mechanismslocated in the attic (for example, elevator equipment).
  • Mold, and fungi, harmful to the health of microorganisms are extremely susceptible to a warm and humid environment; From the attics, they fall into the entrances and other common areas, of the apartments. If at least three apartments have the same problems with mold, it means that you need to urgently correct the ventilation of the whole house.
  • The air does not circulate, as it should be: since the natural ventilation system of an apartment building works, including temperature difference, increased humidity means a failure in the operation of this system – sanitary standards are violated.

All this leads to the destruction of structures and ceilings, to health problems among residents of an apartment building, especially among owners of premises on the upper floors.

The consequences of improper ventilation of the attic

In addition, modern attics in high-rise buildings are increasingly remade for common areas (for example, pantries, billiards, libraries) or for technical rooms for commercial structures (warehouses for materials or servers).In this case, for considerations of comfort and safety, as well as in order to avoid early damage to property, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor the level of humidity and serviceability of all ventilation systems.

Unfortunately, the problem of high humidity is often either underestimated or allowed by gravity due to the fact that people do not know where to turn in order to remove dampness from the attic of a high-rise building and if they know, they believe that the decision will be quite expensive or very difficult from a technical point of view.

How to eliminate increased humidity in attics?

There are different ways to eliminate humidity in the attic of a high-rise building. The use of certain means depends on the design features of the building, on the technical characteristics of the room and on each specific case in particular. Sometimes it’s enough to simply fix the roof and clean the ventilation system, sometimes radical intervention and re -equipment are required.

However, after the cause is found and the consequences are eliminated, it is necessary to maintain an optimal microclimate in the room. The effect is achieved by installing additional artificial ventilation. Many believe that it is expensive, since ventilation equipment works for electricity, but this is not so. There is equipment that works for free – on solar energy.

A reliable system of protection against increased moisture in the attic houses

The air solar manifold is protected from breakdowns and is very easy to use. Due to the minimum of parts with its installation and maintenance, anyone will cope. What is important, the collector is fireproof. The use of such a resource as renewable solar energy will allow residents to save on paying for electricity, which is extremely important, given the constant increase in prices in the housing and communal services sector. Another advantage of the heliocollector is the lack of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, which is extremely important, especially for residents of megacities.

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